of all let me tell you that your album really took my breath away and it's
currently one of my 5 favourite albums of this year. .
Thank you very much , we are happy to know that people
enjoy our music.
I wrote in my review, TV news have been reporting for several weeks about
the dramatic situation in your country. It must not be easy to live in Jerusalem
right now for the fear of taking the wrong bus or being in the wrong place.
How are you living this situation and what's your point of view ??
The situation is indeed quite sad and although the
life in Jerusalem and our area is quite tense we concentrate on our music
and our artistic work . Personally we wish
that there will be more understanding and tolerance in all part of life
between all the area residents in order to stop the violence.
you see the light at the end of the tunnel for your country?
Of course we do , there is no other choice.
Now let's talk about music: how about the name Trespass ? Progressive
fans immediately thought of Genesis, you know ?
We aware of the fact that progressive fans are contacting
our name with the Genesis album ,actually our name means "Three steps"
in latin (tress passus) and we think the words meaning in English says something
about our music…
Listening to your songs and watching the cd cover
I supposed that live dimension must be your favourite. Is it ? Are the seven
tracks the result of a jam-session or not ?
You are quite right live dimension is our favorite,we
improvise a lot in our concerts trying to take our music a step - forwards
considering energies expressions and emotions....For a matter affect the
album recordings is based on live sessions . The
tracks are a kind of mixture of some absolutely written themes and jam sessions.
In haze of time includes songs with such different styles. If you
think it's possible, how would you describe your music ?
When we are creating our music we are generally flowing
with our emotions and the result is a tapestry Which
contains all of our musical background and our abilities , If we would have
to define it , we think we could describe it as a mixture of classical music
,jazz and folk.
How much progressive rock belongs to your musical background ?
In our case that’s an interesting question , Gabriel
and Roy were acquainted to 70's progressive rock. Listening
to bands such as Yes, ELP ,Gentle giant, Jethro tull etc' while Gil was
not exposed almost at all to that kind of music. Gil
has a classical and folk background and for him our music was a natural
creativity of his musicianship .
What about israelan music scene ? Are you close to any band from
your country ?
There are few more progressive rock bands in Israel
but generally we feel quite far from the Israeli mainstream music scene.
I noticed you haven't a website at the moment. Don't you think it's
essential in the 21 century ? Are you planning to build a site?
Due to the "pressures" of the 21 century
we're happy to present you our website which its address is:
Now seriously …..we were quite occupied with working
on our music that we didn’t have the chance to pay our attention to it …anyhow
now it is done.
you working on your next album ? Are any live shows scheduled ?
At the moment we are currently working on our next
album , Beside regular performances in Israel we will perform at Baya prog
festival 3/2003 and in Interfest festival in 5/2003. In these days we are
in contact with few festival organizers in order to set up a tour in Europe
and the USA.
Recently, what's the compact disc permanently inside of your cd-recorder
that you're loving most ?
You'll find it funny but we didn’t have the chance
to listen seriously to music in the past few years ,due to our
intense work.
Thank you Trespass.
Luca Alberici