it a free choice to self-produce your albums or you never received a good
deal proposal ?
When I started recording my albums I wanted to see
how much I could do by myself. So it seemed natural to sell and promote
my albums too. As each album has been released word has spread further around
the world. I guess I will eventually seek outside help, but at the moment
things are moving at a pace that gives my music time to grow.
Ok, let's talk about "Resolution": I wrote that a double
album usually hides some dangers: why this ambitious choice ?
Resolution is the result of losing a lot of recording
work done for the follow up to my previous album POLES APART due to a technical
problem. Having to start from scratch, I wrote a new album of songs and
began recording Resolution. I kept playing songs from the lost album and
believed that they fitted with the spirit of the new songs and did not want
them to be left behind. So eventually the album became too long for a single
Let's take "Jubal" and "Flying Blind" which
I consider the two opposites of your music: stronger and more prog-metal
oriented the first one, the second one with a more commercial appeal and
a catchy chorus. The rest is a middle course. Do you agree ?
Yes, that's fair. There are two main parts to my approach;
the songwriter wanting to create memorable songs that mean something to
people and the musician wanting to challenge with harder edged music. A
constant battle between the two.
I still haven't had the chance to listen to you previous albums
and I think I will fill the gap very soon. Which are the main differences
between them and "Resolution"?
My first album Dreams of Green is an innocent attempt
at creating progressive music.
My second Follow the Dawn is a much more ambitious step built on the confidence
gained by the reaction to my first. Establishing my own identity.
My third Poles Apart had the songwriter in me taking over and the arrangements
mostly being simpler.
With Resolution I am much happier with the balance between the two sides.
I feel it gives much more depth to the music to have the sweet and heavy/complex
songs living together on one album. Giving as much time over to instrumental
passages as the lyrical parts.
I presume every polystrumentist has his first love. What's yours
Guitar - seeing Alex Lifeson in concert in 1978 decided
that for me.
What about live gigs ? Have you more than two hands? Do I have to
move to Leicester to see you playing live?
No live gigs, yet. It has taken all my energy so far
to write and record, but that must happen in the near future.
Can You tell me your favourite 5 albums of all times ?
That is such a hard question. At this moment I would
say: Yessongs, Two for the Show-Kansas, 2112-Rush, (these three have been
with me for a long time) Scenes..-Dream Theater and Wish you were here-Floyd.
If I could have six then it would be A Trick of the Tail-Genesis. I would
be lost without my whole collection though.
deep congratulations: very good job and thanks for your kindness, David
Thank you Luca, good luck with Tales of Wonder.
Luca Alberici